Environmental protection
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Environmental protection
A tanker port, a tank farm, and a long-distance pipeline are all operated by LLC Vodokhod. We place a great importance on protecting the cleanliness of land, water, and air while not compromising other assets and resources because of the qualities of the crude oil we transport. We feel that effective engagement with the relevant authorities is vital in each circumstance. Comprehensive organizational measures, as well as technical safety and control systems, help us achieve legal obligations as well as the high standards we set for the protection of people and the environment. Water is collected and drained into a separation system on the surface of the tanker dock, in the tank farm, and at pipeline pumping stations, for example. This keeps dirty water out of the system. When necessary, there are watertight surplus liquid storage compartments that can be emptied using the separation system and are regularly monitored for stray liquids.
To prevent the spread of odours from the crude oil in the tank farm, modern sealing technology is installed in the floating tank roofs, which also adds to fire and explosion safety. Naturally, any rubbish generated on our property is collected and disposed of legally. If an accident or fault happens despite all of our measures (which are not stated in their entirety below for brevity), there is further equipment and other means available. accessible to prevent or at least reduce any interference with the safety of people and the environment. Thanks to a company-wide warning and emergency response management plan created in partnership with authorities, we have organized, well-structured damage control.
LLC Vodokhod examines corporate environmental objectives on a yearly basis and establishes KPIs across all levels and functions of the company, based on priority areas for improving environmental safety. These objectives serve as a foundation for the development of specific tasks and action plans to support the successful implementation of the Environmental Strategy, which is part of the Integrated Management System Policy, which is shared by all of our employees and followed as a guide throughout all of our manufacturing facilities. The Company’s dedicated annual environmental programming includes such action plans.
The LLC Vodokhod Program for In-Process Environmental Monitoring in the Northern Part of the Caspian Sea was created in 2019, and the LLC Vodokhod Program for In-Process Environmental Monitoring in the Northern Part of the Caspian Sea has been in operation since 2020. The Arctic is given special consideration. Since 2020, LLC Vodokhod, a Barents Sea offloading facility, has been continuously monitoring natural environment components in areas where the onshore tank batteries and offloading terminal may have an impact.