Shipping Services

Shipping Services

LLC Vodokhod owns a third of the domestic crude oil transportation market and supplies major domestic oil businesses. As a national strategic resource, we transport crude oil under long-term contracts with safety in mind. Continuously safe operations are the foundation of our company’s image as a “trusted transportation partner.” We have significant relationships to global oil companies, Asian oil majors, and trade companies, including Japanese and Chinese companies. We’ll also work to expand our customer base and transportation capacity.

LLC Vodokhod is one of the world’s largest publicly listed crude and product tanker owners and operators, transporting crude oil, refined petroleum, and other items by sea on international shipping markets. LLC Vodokhod owns and operates a fleet of 14 boats, with crude tankers (4 Suezmax vessels and 2 Aframax vessels) and product tankers (10 medium range (MR) vessels) grouped into two categories.

The majority of LLC Vodokhod’s fleet, which includes crude oil tankers ranging from Suezmax to Panamax, is managed in-house. In addition to its in-house fleet management, LLC Vodokhod partners with established ship management organizations for a portion of its fleet. The LLC Vodokhod fleet ships to ports throughout the world and for charterers with the most exacting requirements. Regular onboard visits, briefing and debriefing sessions upon embarkation or disembarkation, modern communication methods and ashore conferences, as well as onboard or in-house training programs, keep the boats and sailors in touch with the shore staff.

Superintendents, internal and external auditors, customers, and national and international regulatory authorities all review the performance of the vessel and crew. LLC Vodokhod is closely linked to all of the major oil firms. The organization and the boats both passed several oil-related substantial vetting checks. All services are provided with a focus on the maritime transportation industry’s health, safety, security, environmental, and quality standards. LLC Vodokhod is committed to increasing the fleet’s safety, security, and quality of operation, as well as environmental conservation.